Support FAQs
Q: When will I receive my order?
A: Please allow 3-10 business days to receive your order. You will receive a tracking number via email once your order ships.
Q: I received my order, but there's a problem.
A: If your order was accidentally damaged during shipping, please reply to your order confirmation email with pictures showing the damage and we will send you a free replacement if necessary. You can also reply to your order confirmation email with any other questions.
Q: Can I return my order?
A: No. After an order is placed it cannot be refunded or returned. We do not accept returns for food safety reasons. If SaladPower is not to your liking, we suggest donating any unopened packages to a local food bank or community center.
Q: How can I edit my subscription?
A: Register for an account using the email you used to place your order. Once you're logged in, you can manage your subscription, delivery address, payment method etc... If you don't feel like doing that, just reply to your last order confirmation email and someone from our customer support team will help with anything you need.
Q: My SaladPower tastes slightly different. Why is that?
A: Great question! We only use USDA Certified Organic produce. Organic produce is inherently different harvest to harvest, depending on factors such as time-of-year and local weather conditions. This means SaladPower may slightly vary in taste from batch to batch. That's a good thing! It's what happens when you don't use pesticides!
Q: Can I give SaladPower to everyone in my family?
A: Yes, SaladPower is pregnancy & baby safe. However, we always recommend to consult with your doctor for specific nutritional requirements.